For Students

Balie Zwietering huisarts

For Students

If you are studying in Maastricht you are welcome to register at our practice. Our practice offers medical care and can be visited during consulting hours, after making an appointment by telephone. For urgent medical attention after office hours you can call the Huisartsenpost.
Medical Centre Amby

Severenplein 26
6225 AZ Maastricht
Telephone  043-3624135
Emergency 043-3635637

Read on for more explanation!

Please take notice of the following:

      1. Our practice, huisartsenpraktijk Zwietering, is open from Monday to Friday between 8.00am and 17.00pm. If you have a health problem and you need medical attention you can make an appointment by telephone. The assistant will ask you the reason for consultation. This is necessary in order to determine the urgency. It is also possible that the assistant will give you a medical advice without booking an appointment. Appointments for patients are normally scheduled for 10 minutes. Indicate if you may need more time to explain your medical condition or if you want to discuss more than one health problem.
      2. Remember to take your insurance papers with you whenever you visit a Family Doctor, dentist, hospital or pharmacy. If you don’t have a dutch health insurance then you have to pay cash at the practise. You will get a receipt as proof of payment if you pay in cash. You can declare these costs at your own health insurance.
      3. In the Netherlands a family doctor is called a ‘huisarts’. The family doctor belongs to the primary health care. For all your health problems, both physical as well as psychological, you will first be seen by the family doctor. He/she will be able to treat most health problems. If necessary the family doctor will refer you to a specialist at the hospital. In the Netherlands you are not permitted to go directly to the hospital (unless it is an emergency). If treatment by a specialist is needed, you should first consult a family doctor, who will give you a referral letter. Remember to make a photocopy of the referral letter for your medical insurance company.
      4. The Family Doctor will not always automatically prescribe medicine. In some cases, a Family Doctor will make house calls, but these consultations are more expensive!

After-hours Family Doctor service (in dutch: Huisartsenpost) only for Urgent Medical Attention
Do you need emergency attention outside of regular office hours? Family Doctors in Maastricht and surroundings share duties after working hours. Should you urgently need the help of a Family Doctor at night, during the weekend or on public holidays, you should call the central ‘After-hours Family Doctor service’ = Huisartsenpost Maastricht & Heuvelland:
Telephone number: 043-7500123
Please have your personal information ready while calling. The doctor’s assistant will ask for the following details:

      • Your name, address, date of birth and a telephone number where you can be contacted;
      • Information about your health insurance;
      • Personal identification;
      • The names of any medication you are using.

If you have an appointment at the Huisartsenpost, you need to bring along:

      • Personal identification;
      • Details about your health insurance;
      • Payment (in cash or with a credit or debit card). You will get a receipt as proof of payment if you pay in cash.

Address and opening hours:

Huisartsenpost Maastricht & Heuvelland
P. Debyelaan 25
6229 HX Maastricht
Telephone 043-7500123

The Huisartsenpost Maastricht & Heuvelland is located next to the Emergency Room (Spoedeisende Hulp) of Maastricht University Hospital (MUMC). Follow the traffic signs to ‘Spoedeisende Hulp’.
Open Monday to Friday From 5 p.m. to 8.00 a.m., Weekend From Friday 5 p.m. to Monday 8.00 a.m. (Holidays Open 24 hours)
More information: Huisartsenpost Maastricht

In case of emergency, dial 112

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